The following years we took photos, photos and more photos of the supposedly "wild flowers" we saw during our out of town travels. I only had a Point and Shoot then, but he eventually got a new DSLR. When it's time to arrange and choose the better ones (maybe there are no best) and write something about its classification and whatever comes to mind about the flower...hopes went dead! Even just the identification is so difficult! Moreso, most of them are already domesticated somewhere, it just happened to traverse a lonely path and became wild. Maybe an owner throw some parts or seeds and it went growing untended, as if WILD. Many of them are not even indigenous.
Hence, i will put them here, visually thinking this is a coffee table book!
Capparis micracantha
I saw this stunted bush while walking in the bushy secondary growths in Mabini, Batangas. I thought it is wild and endemic, but how will i know. Research work on this, i realized is so tedious and difficult...especially if you don't have much time. The next is also from the same area.
Breynia nervosa
This member of the ginger family is vigorously growing in a formerly farmed area, now conquered by the invader plants. The white delicate flowers at the apex only bloom for a day.

Clerodendrum intermedium (kasupanggil)
This 'kasupanggil' as the old people call them, is also growing luxuriously in a second growth forest. But there are also some coconuts scattered around, untended and just left on their own.Ipomoea sp.
This vine grows along the roadsides and one of the last survivors during the summer hot months in Western Batangas. Those green roundish top-like structures near the purple flowers are the fruits. They mature in summer. The yellow variation at the right might not be an Ipomoea, as the leaves are different. However, i still don't know what they are!
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
This is not domesticated but can be found in marginal areas. Only the butterflies love this! My 7-yr-old nephew, Allen, impressed her mother when he recited its scientific name. Its common name, though, is porterweed.
Tecoma stans (yellow trumpet bush)
This yellow flowering bush is vigorously growing in the wild areas in Siquijor, an island difficult to reach in the Visayas. There is no airport yet there, and the 1-hr boat ride from Dumaguete City is normally rough due to converging currents along the way. Siquijor, beautiful by itself, is made more awesome because of the profuse growth of this plant.
You have quite a good collection of flower pictures already, Andrea. If you can see these flowers growing wild, chances are that they are native plants. You have just started writing your coffee table book. Do you know that blog entries can also be printed out into a binded book or scrap book? I always prefer photos to sketches when looking at flowers in books.
ReplyDeleteAndrea, your yellow ipomoea has star-shaped pattern in the flowers too but the leaves are different. I think your purple ipomoea is different from the argyreia nervosa (elephant vine) becuase the flowers and leaves looks different.
ReplyDeleteAndrea, don't give up on your coffee table book idea. You have a treasure trove of information already, sayang to waste. There are lots of ways to self-publish these days.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, of course, that identification is not always easy, but perhaps you can get your material together and then ask a botany expert to review it...?