Thursday, May 31, 2018

More Sunsets

Our sunsets before the rainy season are always spectacular. Whether we view them near bodies of water or from mountains or from our windows, they are always beautiful. And scenes always change within that short span of 15-30 minutes before and after the sun sets. Here are another set from my 5th Floor Window. They are all SOOC.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sky Watch May 2018

When there are plenty of things we are obliged to do,
but the call for blogging is urging us too,
what will i do!

I am so privileged, as i have lots of sunsets from my 5th Floor Window. And i can post them SOOC, straight ouf of the camera.

There really are times when there are lots of photos to post, from flowers-to critters-to waterfalls-to travels. Yet the inspiration of bunching them up together in a post is not enough to push us on. Yet at other times, the push to post is seemingly more urgent despite lots of more things that needed attention. So here i am, being suddenly swayed by the push....

And here are my Sunsets for Rescue, all taken at wide angle of the same horizon (pls. mouse over to enlarge).

Friday, May 11, 2018

Some Critter Finds

As a regular morning habit when i am at home in the province, i have coffee and a little bread, lug the camera and my eye drops, and go find the butterflies. But in the course of looking for the butterflies i also see lots of unusual little entities. Sometimes i know them, and sometimes don't. Truth is, most of the time i don't! When this happens more time are devoted to scrutinizing and photographing them. In return, sometimes i miss the butterflies. Anyway, these finds are interesting too.

Cotton bug, Dysdercus cingulatus. It might look beautiful, but it devours the pedicels of my hoya buds. In the past i just allow them there, but when i saw the damage on my plants, i drive them away or make things difficult for them. However, i don't use insecticide so they are still around. 

Spiders are also common residents in my garden and surrounding environment. 
This could be a jumping spider, but i don't know its ID yet. 

Hawkmoths are regular pests of my caladium.  Sometimes i go home finding all the leaves gone. When i feel that they have already pupated, i look for the pupa beneath the plant and photograph them. Once, i reared the pupa to eclosion, so i know that the above is Pergesa acteus. 

Picture below is very dark, probably another hawkmoth. I do not have the time to rear it, so i am not sure of the ID. I just guess that it is Theretra oldenlandiae. It also has many hostplants. 

This is an exoskeleton of the pale green awlet, Bibasis gomata syn. Burara gomata
Its host plant is the green Schefflera. I have not seen their larvae nor the live pupa, and i have seen the adult only once. I wish to see them earlier next time to document the life cycle. 

a very thorny head of a moth catterpillar, later when i poked on it, i realized it is already dead

nymp of a stink bug

bag moth

  another bag moth

another kind of bag of a third bag moth

I realized this moths have different bags that house them which serve as their camouflage. They also pupate inside and later emerge at the bottom portion during eclosion as adult moth. Actually, i have not seen an adult moth coming from this bags. I just saw them in pictures. If i have enough time, which could be later, i will rear them in nearby vicinity so i can also document the adults emerging from them.

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