GBBD is supposed to be flaunting the blooms from your own garden, although the meme owner Carol of Maydreams Gardens did not specify that. This time of the year our dry season already started, many plants are still blooming, but most of the annuals are already turning brown. The grasses specially, already died from so much heat. We still have some blooms in our own garden, but i seem to be already bored with posting mine. They don't die from frost or snow, so they are still there, but i am really bored seeing them again in my post. So, i would rather post blooms from foreign lands. I am sure these might be more familiar with most of you.
I had the opportunity to be in Sweden in June a few years back, which I suppose is advance spring. However, i remember that the temperatures were mostly around 10C. The flowers and plants are luxuriously blooming. Whenever we had the time outdoors, I normally took their photos, while my companions are taking people shots or what we call tourist shots. If they did not voluntarily take my photos, i wouldn't have my photos at all. What i have are all buildings, landscapes, plants and flowers. Please let me know how they are called in your temperate climates.
not sure what the above tree is, maybe of the apple family, they surround the Scandic hotel grounds
a plum tree blooming profusely on top of bougainvillea hedges near a research facility (thanks to Nick of
planter boxes at the Scandic hotel in Svalov, Sweden
Forget-me-not growing as weeds
pansies on public grounds
found this in a friend's garden, at the back with white hanging flowers is Solomon's Seal or Polygonatum odoratum (Thanks to Karin for the ID). If only i've known that before, i will smell the scent.
tulips seem to be growing as weeds or volunteer plants
various colors of tulips in gardens
mainly red colored tulips, with some darker than red mixtures
the grounds around our Scandic Hotel bloom with those whites and yellows, which look like miniature daisies
To foreigners like me the burgundy colored leaves are amazing. This is in
our neighborhood in Svalov, Sweden
Everywhere we go, landscapes are profusely carpeted with yellow rapeseed, Brassica napus.
I am amazed at the great volume of canola oil which these flowers will produce later on.
I just don't know how much of these are GMO.
On our way to Stockholm, spring flowers abound in the roadsides. I think this is the best about spring
This Welcome sign, planted to pansies, signals entry to Stockholm.