Monday, June 9, 2014

A Poem by Christopher Marlowe

I mentioned some words from this poem in my last post, and said i forgot already the poem. I mentioned it as a caption to my silhouette photo of a hippeastrum bud reaching for the sunset. I realized it inspired an English writer-photographer of this generation to post the poem in her blogsite. She thanked me in her last post for making her recall this. Thank you also for your visit, as i can now see you wonderful photographs. I am now following you.

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 

By Christopher Marlowe

Come live with me and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove 

That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, woods or steepy mountain yields. 

And we will sit upon the rocks, seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, 
By shallow rivers to whose falls, melodious birds sing madrigals. 

And I will make thee beds of roses and a thousand fragrant posies, 
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle embroidered all with leaves of myrtle; 

A gown made of the finest wool, which from our pretty lambs we pull; 
Fair lined slippers for the cold, with buckles of th purest gold; 

A belt of straw and ivy buds, with coral clasps and amber studs: 
And if these pleasures may thee move, come live with me and be my love. 

The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing for thy delight each May morning: 
If these delights thy mind may move, then live with me and be my love.

....etc, etc, etc.


  1. Great post and photo. This poem by Marlowe in my opinion is the most beautiful love poem ever written. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  2. Beautiful poem --and I love your sky photo....


  3. my knowledge of poetry is pretty limited at best but i'm always happy to stumble upon one, like here. thanks.


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