Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bonsai at the Garden Show 2012

I promised to post the bonsai exhibit from the Philippine Horticultural Society Garden Show of 2012. I have previously posted the foliage plants that caught my fancy there, and the Tillandsia. I hope you will also appreciate these bonsai as you did the previous posts. 

This is the only fruit tree bonsai exhibited this year. It is a variegated chico (sapodilla), Achras zapota, and it is laden with fruits, fortunately not reduced in size!


  1. There's a big following for Bonsai keeping/growing in the Philippines!

  2. They all look fantastic. My friend was able to get himself a few. Too expensive for me though.

  3. Great pictures of the Bonsai display at the Garden Show... I especially like that last collage... Neat!

  4. They are beautiful Andrea, and very old. Nice show!

  5. Each of these bonsai plants are amazing. This is the first bonsai I've seen with fruit on it. They are all marvelous displays.

  6. Mark and Gaz - yes there's a lot of bonsai enthusiasts, although not many were able to sustain the demands of constant care and maintenance. I, for one, murdered some which i painstakingly got from the wild or grow myself, and then a day of neglect let it succumb to oblivion!

    Bom - i haven't tried asking for the prizes in the commercial booth. How big are those your friend got? I am not particularly interested in Ficus bonsai, i want the hardwood or fruit tree bonsai.

    Betsy - thanks for your appreciation. I am sure you will not exchange a bonsai for a waterfall. LOL.

    Donna@GWGT - yes they look old, but they are usually older in looks than their real age. Making them look old is the purpose of most bonsai.

    George - I have one photo of a tamarind bonsai last year, also laden with mature fruits. It is actually more beautiful than this chico tree bonsai.

  7. An array of bonsai! They are so delicate and need lots of TLC. Its very scarce to see fruit bearing bonsai.

    RYC on smog, it is not, its the fog that was low. The beach is near the Monarch Preserve and since it was so foggy the whole day, the butterflies were just all clustered up in the eucalyptus tree.

  8. Andrea these are beautiful works of art...so glad you shared them

  9. I do I do I do. Love Bonsai. I have always wish I had a space for this type of idea. Inredibly beautiful shots. I'm a little jealous:)

  10. Absolutely beautiful specimens! I visited a Bonsai farm not long ago and I was amazed by how old some of them are... and how much they cost too! :-)

  11. It's one of my dreams to grow a bonsai which leans over like some of those.

  12. These are beautiful pieces of art! I have 2 Wrightia religiosa bonsai. The bonsai is a small plant. Mine looks like a miniature bonsai at 23cm tall but it does produce fragrance flowers quite often.

  13. Ebie - i posted from last years garden show a tamarind tree bonsai full of fruits, it was so lovely, much better than this chico.

    Donna@Gardens Eye View - thank you so much for always looking at my posts and your kind words.

    Kreesh Rohrerbot - you wont make beautiful bonsai, or they will die out of neglect, because like me you are always out of your house! LOL.

    JM - thanks for dropping by. Yes they are so costly if bought ready made. It is better to start from small and nurture it to greatness! That way you will be loving it much more for the bonding you did for life!

    b-a-g -- so you should start now, because you can only say it is a bonsai if it has been living that way for a long time. But i guess it is the most demanding for care and maintenance, i love them but can't attend to all their whims and demands.

    AB- a lot of plants can be made to look like bonsai, but a real pricey bonsai is the hardwood bonsai which are already very old. Ficus bonsai are easier to do, that's why most impatient gardeners use them! I have a hardwood before i planted from seedling, i had it for 8 yrs and then my mother forgot to water, dead!

  14. Hi Andrea, have you heard of the Tanon Strait, it crosses Negros Island to Cebu. There might be some seismic activity. Also consider, there is Mt Kanlaon, an active volcano. Pnoy was in Negros Or. on his birthday to assess the damage.

  15. Oh I think that those are all stunning but my favourite one is the landscape setting.

  16. This is soooooooo gorgeous! The plants are so well trained. Would like to share this post on facebook with my frds, if thats fine with you Andrea. Thx for the treat by way of this post.

    1. yes Ever Green Tree, you can link this on your FB wall. Sorry for not seeing your comment sooner, as it went to the Spam group!


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